While we don’t believe that anyone should panic, we do want to encourage anyone with older or immuno-compromised loved ones to be prepared.
The CDC is encouraging everyone to have extra food and supplies on hand, in the event of sudden closures or quarantines. Please take the time to check on any seniors or people in your life who are ill/disabled to see if they need help getting things together.
Key items to gather include:
Prescriptions and any over-the-counter medications
Those with breathing problems should ensure that any devices they use (nebulizer, oxygen) are working properly and they have enough medication on hand to power any devices.
A two-week supply of food
Drinks with electrolytes in the event the flu or another illness is contracted
Nutrition drinks such as Ensure for seniors
Lysol, disinfecting agents, and anti-bacterial soap
Extra toilet paper
Pet food for at least two weeks
Adult diapers, feminine products, and any other necessary supplies
Finally, it’s a wise idea to make copies of your loved one’s insurance cards and make sure that you can put your hands on any Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Directives that would allow you to legally communicate with doctors and make financial and medical decisions on your loved one’s behalf.
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