Expressing appreciation for the assistance received from caregivers is something that not many think about, but is certainly needed. Now some may say, “Why should I be grateful for help from someone I am paying?” Or in the case of family caregivers, “Aren’t family members supposed to take care of each other?” Research shows, however, that not only does expressing appreciation make the caregiver feel better about what they do, but also that the people expressing gratitude have a greater sense of well-being.
Expressing appreciation for something your caregiver has done for you does not require the eloquence of a public speaker, only a few words are all that it takes. Examples of some things to say thank you for are : “Your gentleness when helping me change positions really minimizes my pain. Thank you.” “The way you talk to me as a person, rather than a patient, really makes me feel good.” By giving sincere words of affirmation will not only allow the caregiver to feel appreciated, but will help them to have a know how you liked to be cared for.
Expressing gratitude is a choice. This month, show some appreciation to someone who helps care for those in need.